Name | OMIM ID | Ensembl ID | HGNC ID | PHARMGKB ID | Map Location |
tRNA methyltransferase 13 homolog | Ensembl:ENSG00000122435 | HGNC:HGNC:25502 | PA143485428 | 1p21.2 |
GO terms in TRMT13
Term Type | Evidence Type | GO Term ID | GO Des. |
BP | IBA | GO:0030488 | tRNA methylation |
MF | IEA | GO:0046872 | metal ion binding |
Gene expression in normal tissue: TRMT13
Gene-model tissue-cancer distribution: Bubble Plot
Gene-drug pathway distribution
Pathways in TRMT13
Database | Pathway ID | Pathway Des. |
reactome | R-HSA-6782315 | tRNA modification in the nucleus and cytosol |
reactome | R-HSA-72306 | tRNA processing |
reactome | R-HSA-8953854 | Metabolism of RNA |
Gene in drug-gene network: Network Plot
Gene-drug targets distribution
Gene Structure: PDB
Models in TRMT13