Standard Name | CHEMBL | Pubchem CID | KEGG Drug ID | DRUGBANK ID | Drug Status | Drug targets (TTD) | Drug Type |
Nelarabine | CHEMBL1201112 | 3011160 | D05134 | DB01280 | Alone | DAP000985 | Small Molecule |
Drug Class:
AntimetabolitesAntineoplastic AgentsAntineoplastic and Immunomodulating AgentsCarbohydratesGlycosidesImmunosuppressive AgentsMyelosuppressive AgentsNucleic Acids, Nucleotides, and NucleosidesNucleoside Metabolic InhibitorNucleosidesPurine AnaloguesDrug-model tissue-cancer distribution: Bubble Plot
Drug-gene pathway enrichments
Drug-gene GO enrichments
Gene in drug-gene network: Network Plot

Models in Nelarabine